August 6th, 2007
Friends4ever Email started. Members can have email id like name@ friends4ever.info .tm
March 9th, 2007
Chat Room started and opened the members.
January 15, 2007
Friends4ever officially Launched on the web and opened for registration.
For complete News & history click here
Friends4ever Help
From the Administrator and Designer of
"Friends4ever" Community
�� I started
"Friends4ever" community site�just for a fun in November, 2006. I, along with some of
my friends thought of a website which would be for our friends only; something�that
would let us to be more close to each other, know our friends in a much better way
and where we can share our thoughts and feelings. So I started working on
it; first job�was to choose a good webhost providing adequate webspace, good features
and foremost thing is at least 99% uptime. I shifted the�whole website five
times from one webhost to other in the search of this�before
the final launch of the site. Then I started�the construction of the site;
I mainly used PHP language, little bit of JAVA scripts, MySql database system
and of course HTML in writing the whole site. After long two months of
working on�it, the site finally launched on 15 th of January 2007.
On�this day the site�was released on the web for viewing and
opened publicly for registration. I launched the site as a non-profit website,
and to prevent spamming on�the site, I limited the registration to
closed�network of friends (to know further about this refer to Registration-criteria
help). Now the site is up to you all, hope you enjoy this
site. Thanks, Subhash Bose, (Friends4ever
Administrator and Designer) What�"Friends4ever" site is
all about?
� Friends4ever (F4E) is a Community
on the Internet. It was build to know our friends more closely and in a better
way. Friends4ever is not a site to make new friends on the web all over the world, but
to hold our existing friends, to be more close to them,
sharing every little feelings and to spend more time with our valued friends. Our prime
intention was to build up a community of trusted friends and to�provide an aid�to hold on
those friendships forever. To know more about Friends4ever click here to goto the About section of this site. Change / Update History / Upcoming
News�of Friends4ever
Change / Update History |
6th, August 2007 |
Friends4ever Email started, members can have Email accounts like [email protected]. |
9th, March 2007 |
Chat Room for Friends4ever Community started and opened for members. |
15th, January 2007 |
Friends4ever (F4E)�website was launched on the web and open for
registration. |
Registration for new
Members��Every new member
who wants to join Friends4ever must go through the registration process. This
is absolutely free (nothing is charged).�You can register�to F4E�by
going to registration links provided in the forum or links provided at the main
page. For going to registration page you
can also click here.
Please read the total registration help
followed�to this before going to registration. What is
registration and why needed?
� This
is a must for every one who wants to join this F4E community. Registration
with Friends4ever is absolutely free, you are not charged in any way and will
never be charged in future. This is actually the process of identifying
yourself�to the site and other members. You have to provide you Name,
contact E-Mail ID (can be kept confidential), Password for logging in and
Personal information for you profile, most are optional to enter. �
After registering you will be able to access the various features of the site by
using your Username and Password. How to register?
� For registering you can follow links
provided on various places on this site. In the forum on the upper part you can
get a register link, also on the main page you can get a link below the login
section. You can also click here to go to
the registration page.�If you get any trouble�while registering with
F4E you can contact the administrator at the contact option provided on the left
menu. While contacting at the subject field of the Contact form,�type "Registration
Problem" and send it for quick response. After going to the registration
page you will need to fill up the fields. Then you will need to
enter visual confirmation code properly then click on 'Submit' button to finish
registration. What to fill up
in�different fields of the registration form?
� In the registration form there are�many fields to fill up.�It
is recommended�to fill all the fields, at least try to fill out
as much you can, because more you fill up�better�will be your�profile.
The most important fields are your Username, Password, Email Id
and Friend (i.e the name of friend by whose�reference you are joining). While
filling up the fields try to enter the proper information, do not fill up with
garbage values and don't enter any thing abusive or offensive. If some registration
entry�is found to violate these terms then membership may be cancelled.
You can also edit your profiles later, so, this is not the�single
time�fill up.�Most of the fields have the comment Help
beside them. Please fill up with care because it's your profile�that will be
affected. Criteria and requirements�for
�To join this�site there is no restriction or limit of any type (age, language,
location etc. nothing)
except one.�Everyone who wants to be registered as member must be a friend
of at least any one existing member of this site. While registering you have to
fill up a field named 'Friend'. In this field a valid username must be entered,
i.e. the user name of an existing member of this site who is your friend and wants
you to join this community. Only the Username ( i.e the name used for member
login) must be given, you have�to get this username from your referring
friend and check the spelling correctly. After registering, the site administrator
or any administrator recognized person would verify this Username manually. They
will contact that Username holder and ask for you confirmation as his/her
friend. If this is found invalid, the Administrator may cancel your membership. This
measure is taken to ensure that any spammer or hacker doesn't get into our
forum, this will help to maintain the security and keep the forum clean from
rubbish postings. If any one is really interested in joining this site but don't
have any friend from this forum, then he/she may personally request the
Administrator 'Subhash' to include him/her as a friend into the forum. However
that request may or may not be accepted as per the administrator's
will. � You need not have to worry if you think
your registration process is correct and you didn't violate any rule. From
Friends4ever side there will be no mistake or misunderstanding which might lead
to deletion of your membership, you can be rest assured about
that. Logging in � Once you are registered you can login
either from the�main page (at the left menu column below the
and news there is a login box) or, you can login from the forum (bottom of
the forum main page or click on the login button at the forum top). You can also go to login page clicking
here. �While logging in, use your username and password which
you have used while registering. If you get any trouble�while registering
with F4E you can contact the administrator at the Contact option provided on the
left menu. While contacting at the subject field of the Contact
form,�type "Logging�in Problem" then send it for quick response. Changing theme of the site
� People accessing F4E site can personalize the
looks, appearance and colour of the site by choosing theme of their choice.
Visitors can change theme of the main page by selecting themes from the
drop-down list located below the top F4E banner. � Any one who�can design a theme for the site and
wants to create a theme for this site are welcome to submit their theme. We will
be highly pleased for your co-operation, and you will be given full credit for
your theme design. Any one willing to submit a theme can contact the administrator
Subhash about your interest.
What is a Forum?
� In a short description, Forum is something like a message
board, but has lots of more interesting features. Friends4ever Forum is a place
where we friends can share our thoughts, feelings and almost everything with
each other. In our community of friends this forum is a way to convey our
messages to others. In the forum, members can post or start or open a
topic/message which is viewable to everyone surfing this site; other friends
can see you message and post/submit their reply/message�for your message.
All replies will be added followed by the last reply, these replies will be
queued one after another and can be viewed by others. There is no limit for
postings or replies. You can also post reply to other's messages as well. With every posting you make�your post count is incremented, and
according to your post count your ranking in the site is determined. � Every message contains a subject title and message body, one can also post
attachments with their posted message. Every board / category contains list of
all the�topics submitted under that board, list is ordered according to
the�last message submission time, and the subject title�is displayed
in the list. Beside this displayed topic title�also the username
is�shown who started the topic, number of people who viewed that
topic,�number of replies�given to that topic and the time of last
reply with the username who replied last. � There are many
categories and�subcategories for the type of message to submit. You can submit anything you like and presentable to others, you may post any message, ask any
question, start a poll / voting about any subject, attach some files or
documents or post something which you might like to share with others. All other
members can view and post replies to your topic. There is also a feature
called private messaging (PM), to send private messages to a member, which
is not viewable to anyone else. � These are some of the major features of
the forum; however there are a lot of other features�that you may learn while using
the forum. Few more are explained below. Guidelines and rules for posting in the
� Once you
are registered you can login and post messages and replies in the forum. However
there are certain rules, limitations and guidelines you must follow while
Rules and
Limitations are:
You can not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful,
threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any
If found that any member is trying to have any hacking
attempt, his/ her account is liable to be cancelled.
If any�user or visitor found trying to have any
type of access over administrator account, are liable for cancellation of their
membership, even their IP may be blocked without any notice.
It will also not be allowed if any one found to have
any access over other member's account illegally.
Do not attach any copyrighted materials inside the
forum. It is not possible for administrator to check every attachments, so, it's
your duty to see that.
Guidelines for postings �These are not any hard-n-fast rules but it is highly
appreciated if you follow these rules.
While posting new topics you should post under the
specified and correct category or subcategory.
While giving replies to post you should try to be
specific to the topic. Don't�move from the topic, rather start a
new one.
Do not post any message which is insulting or rude for
others, try to be polite to other members.
It is highly preferred to post messages in English
instead of using any regional language in form of phonetic english.
Do not post any rubbish message or garbage characters
inside messages in the forum.
Do not post one-liners or simply yes or no or something
like that as messages in forum to increase your post count. Any such postings
will be deleted.
Site administrator and selected moderators will always
be there to organize the forum, but, this forum is yours too, you should post
messages in proper�manner�to keep the forum organized.
Logging in / Registering
� There in no need of
separate registration for the forum, registration is required only once in the
whole Friends4ever site. You can log in using the same username�and
password used while registering. Registration and Login help are discussed above
in 'Friends4ever Basics'. For registration help click here
and for login help click here.
Modify profile and other user specific
� After login you can go to the user control panel by
the link provided at the upper right side of the forum. In the control panel you
can modify your profile and other forum specific settings. Please fill up the
Location and Birthday field to show your age (these fields are not given while
Posting in the
� In the forum members
can submit their messages to the Friends4ever site, these messages can be viewed
by any registered member and they can also post reply to those
How to post messages / topics in the
� Forum is divided into different categories for posting new topics, each category
contains all messages posted under that category, a category may even contain a
subcategory. To post a topic you have to first determine the type of message you
want to post, so, accordingly choose the category and click on�it to get
into that category. Then�click on the 'New post' icon, a page will open
with a form to post message. � Fill in the subject, this will be
displayed in list of topics. Then fill the message body giving details which you
want, this will be displayed when the topic is�opened from the topic list.
While filling the message you can also use smiles, you may also format your
message using BBcodes (this is a special type of code bit similar to html). If
you don't know these codes�you need not�to learn any thing more, a
toolbar is provided to apply these codes�for formatting message like bold,
underline, italics etc. You may even submit attachments with your posted
message, those attachments can be downloaded by other members. ��You
may also start a poll / voting option with your topic. Add as many poll options
you want. There are many more options you can use which are well explained
there. � After filling the message, click on the submit button to submit the
message to F4E site. Once the message is submitted a confirmation will be
shown, you can also edit your message later if you want to modify
How to post reply for a
� You can see all the messages posted in the forum, you
may also post replies to those messages�and�all replies are queued one
after another under that topic. To post a reply to a topic, open the topic and
then�click on the 'Post reply' icon then a new page will open. Then fill up
the page to submit the message, the process of filling those�fields are
similar to method of posting new topic described above.
PM� (Private
� Private messaging
abbreviated as PM, this is similar to sending messages via email. However
sending message is only limited within this forum. Every registered member can
send messages to�other registered members and they can also receive
messages from� other members. Messages are not forwarded to member's
email-id, but�they can read and send those messages within the forum.
Members may get a notification via email and get a popup notification when they
have new PM, these notifications may optionally be�enabled or disabled from
user control panel.
How to private
� To send a private message to a member you can click on
the PM icon beside the posted message by the member or you may go to the profile
of the member and click on the PM icon there, you may also go to the PM sending
page by going to private message box and click on "compose message". After you
are in compose message page�fill in the user name with the Username of the
member whom you want to send message. Then type the message you want to send,
you may even attach files with the message, use smiles and use text formatting
like bold, italics, underline etc. Then click on the send button to send
message, a confirmation will be shown after the message was
� Special
ranks: These are special ranks which are not�based upon post
counts, but�assigned by the administrator.
Administrator |
Administrator is the person who holds the administrative rights of the
site and the forum. He can manage all aspects of the forum and site. |
Moderator |
Moderators are the members selected by the Administrator and
given�some rights to partially manage the forum,�whose job is to
look after the forum messages and organize them if needed. |
Spammer |
Spammers are members banned from the forum due to spamming or hacking
attempt or due to other reasons for which administrator found it necessary to
ban the member. | Post
based Ranks: These are ranks which are based upon the number of posts
made by the member. These ranks are automatically updated according to the post
Ranks |
� Post count range |
No Post Member |
�� 0 |
Junior Member |
�� 1 - 9 |
Little active Member |
�� 10 - 59 |
Active Member |
�� 60 - 119 |
Super Active Member |
�� 120 - 259 |
Top Member |
�� 260 and more |
Viewing other Member's profile and
� For viewing
other member's profile, go to the member list, click on the Username from the list
whose profile you want to see and the profile page of the member will open. You
may also click on the Profile icon beside the posted message by the member and
the profile page for that member will open. The profile of a member depends upon,�what he/she
has filled up and what he wants to display
Using Avatars (Showing ur picture beside your
� All members can upload
their passport sized picture and use them to show beside their posted message
along with their Username and also displayed in the member's profile. These
images are called Avatars. For using avatars go to user control panel then click
on avatar option under profile. From there you can upload and set your avatar.
It is preferred to use your real picture, do not post any abusive or
objectionable picture. Try to keep your image dimension approximately to
passport size, image size (in bytes)�as small as possible (say 6
For New Members to personalize
� This is for every
members to personalize their user setting for the forum. To modify the settings
go to user control panel and set the following important options:
Check your time zone. For India time zone is +5.5 hrs
Fill in the field named 'Hidden' in profile. Fill in
here with information which you don't want to display publicly but want to keep
in the forum. Information in this field will not be displayed to other members.
Upload your picture as avatar. [For more info see the
avatar help above]
Set private message notification via email and also by
pop up. (Recommended both yes)
Fill in your birthday to show your age in profile page
and fill the location field (i.e country) which is also displayed in profile.
What is Friends4ever Chat
� All the registered members of Friends4ever can access the
chat room. Friends4ever Chat Room is a means for chatting with all of our
friends in Friends4ever. For chatting you does not need any extra Messenger or
chat clients, only thing needed is to be member of Friends4ever Community. F4E
chat is standalone in it's own, you can chat online on the web-based platform
provided here. You can go to chat room by clicking here
Logging in / Registering
� You
need not have to register separately for Chat Room, registration is required
only once in whole Friends4ever site. You can access chat rooms with the Username
and Password which you created during registration.
Registration�help�is discussed above in 'Friends4ever Basics'. For
registration help click here. You can enter the Chat Room
from various links provided at different places in this site. While entering the
chat room you will be asked for Username and Password; enter the username and
password and you will�be logged in�for
Creating a Room
You may create your own Chat Room. You will be given Operator access over your
chat room after you create it. Your chat room will automatically be deleted
after a period of inactivity, unless the Administrator has set chat rooms to
never expire, or if you have permission to set a chat room to never expire. To
create your own chat room click on the [Create Room] link at the bottom of the
room list page.
Setting up the
� When you create your room
you can set many initial options. Here are explanations of a few:
Room name Your room name may be
anything that is not already in use, however, you may not use the following
characters: ,.'*; because these characters are reserved for special chat
Topic The topic is displayed next to
your room name on the online list. You should set it to something relevant to
the discussion you will be having so that people who are interested can find
your room.
Greeting The greeting will be
automatically sent to users when they first enter a room. You may use the
following special tags for dynamic values: %d - The current date %t - The
current time %u - The user's username.
Password If you set a password
people will only be able to enter your room by entering the password first.
Max Users This sets the maximum
allowed users who may enter your room. If you set it at a value of less then 3
it will automatically be set to 3. You may NOT set this field to 0. If the user
limit is reached the room will not be displayed on the room list and users
trying to enter will be denied.
Room Types You may set your room to
either Public or Private. The only difference is that Private rooms are never
displayed in the room list and public ones are.
Moderated If you have permission to,
you may set your room to Moderated. This will make it so only people who have a
voice will be able to send messages to the room. Operators can give and take
voices from people using the Actions Tab.
� In the User Control Panel
you can manage all aspects of your account. You can access the user control
panel by clicking the User CP button at the top of a chat window, or by clicking
the [User CP] link at the bottom of the room list page.
User CP -
� You can enter
information into your profile that you want to make available to other people.
You must enter a valid E-Mail address in order to edit your profile. The
information you put into your profile will be available for everyone to see,
with the exception of your password and your E-Mail address if you check the
Hide E-Mail box on the settings page. The avatar field must be set to a fully
qualified URL, meaning it starts with http:// and leads to a valid picture file
somewhere on the internet. If the administrator has enabled it, you will be able
to upload your own avatar from your harddrive to the chat room. If you choose to
upload an avatar then this field will automatically be configured after
uploading is complete.
User CP -
� This page allows you
to configure certain things about the chat room.
Login Time This option allows you to
specify how long you want to stay logged in on that computer even after you
leave the chat room.
Refresh Rate This option tells chat
how often you would like the chat room to connect to the server and download new
Time Offset The time offset fields
allow you to adjust the server time so that it appears as local time. You may
adjust the offset in hours and minutes so that the timestamps on messages will
appear as local time instead of server time. Enter a number to add to the time,
and enter a - sign and then a number to subtract from the time.
Skin This allows you to choose the
way the chat room looks. All of the available skins are listed and you may
choose the one you like best. Skins will be loaded only after you login.
Styles/Smilies/Sounds/Timestamps These options allow you to disable
some features of the chat room such as message styles, smilies, sounds and
timestamps. If you disable styles all message will appear in the system default
Hide E-Mail Checking this option
will hide your E-Mail address from regular users. Administrators and others with
proper permissions will still be able to view your E-Mail Address.
Message Logging Checking this option
will log all private messages that you send and receive. Message logging is not
available on all servers, and will automatically be stopped if your log size
exceeds the limit.
Invisible Mode If you have
permission to become invisible in a room this option will appear in your
settings panel. Checking it will make it so that when you enter a room you will
automatically be set to invisible and the people in the room will not see you
User CP - Status
� The status panel allows you to change your current
chat room status. Users will see your status when they click on your name in the
Online List. You may choose to use a predefined status message or enter a custom
one. There is a length limit on status messages.
User CP - Offline
� The offline message center provides a very simple offline
message utility. This allows you to send messages to someone even when they are
not logged in.
Room CP
� The Room Control Panel will
allow you to manage any room that you are an Operator in. You must have Operator
status in order to enter the Room Control Panel. You can enter the panel by
typing /roomcp and clicking on the provided link, or by clicking the Room CP
button at the top (if it's visible, if not use the other
Room CP - Settings
� This allows you to edit the
settings that you entered when you created the room. You will be able to edit
all of them except the room name, which cannot be changed.
In addition to the original options there may be two more
now. If you have permission, you may edit the Room Background and Room Logo
images. Both of these must be full URLs starting with http:// and leading to an
image file. The Background Image file will be applied to the background of the
chat message area and the Logo Image will be at the top above the menu
Room CP - Voice List
� This list is all the
people who currently have a voice in your room. If your chat room is set to
Moderated, then only people on this list will be able to send messages to it.
Once you add a user, they will stay on the list until you remove them. If your
chat room is not set to Moderated, then this list will have no effect on your
chat room.
Room CP - Mute List
� If your chat room is not
set to moderated mode then you can shut people up by adding them to the Mute
list. Once on the mute list, they will stay there until you remove them. People
who are on the Mute list can watch the chat room, but will not be able to send
any messages to it. If your chat room is moderated then this list will have no
Room CP - Other Operator
� As a Chat Room Operator you will also have many more
options on the Action Tab of the online list. In the lower-right hand corner of
the chat room (directly below the online list) you will see two tabs. One for
Profile and one for Action. Clicking on the Action Tab will bring up some
shortcuts for Operator actions such as banning, kicking, viewing IP address,
giving/taking Operator status and giving/taking voice or mute. These actions
will all be done on the user that is currently displayed under the Profile tab.
You can switch which user is being displayed under the profile tab by selecting
their name on the Online list.
� After
you are in the Chat Room you can start chatting with your friends. Type your
messages in the area provided below the chat box and hit the 'Enter' key or
click on the 'Send' button to send your
� If styles are enabled then you may choose the font face, size, style and color
of your message. If styles are disabled then the message will be displayed using
the system default style.
You may choose how your message looks using the
selectors above the message input box. The style of the last message you send
will be saved as the default and automatically loaded when you enter chat.
In addition to using the style selectors you may use inline style tags to define
style attributed of your message. The following table shows you all available
style tags:
Tag |
Description |
Example |
[color=COLOR][/color] |
Changes font color. COLOR may be an #RGBHEX value or a named color |
[color=red]text[/color] |
[i][/i] |
Makes text italic |
[i]text[/i] |
[b][/b] |
Makes text bold |
[b]text[/b] |
[u][/u] |
Underlines text |
[u]text[/u] |
[size=SIZE][/size] |
Changes font size, SIZE is the number in pixels |
[size=20px]text[/size] |
[font=FONT][/font] |
Changes font face, FONT may be any font family that the admin has allowed |
[font=courier]text[/font] |
� Smilies are little images
used to represent emotion. For example, :) is happy and :( is sad. By clicking
the smiley button, which is located above the Send button, you can see a list of
all the available smilies. Click on one to add it to your
Private Messages
� You can send a private
message to anyone, as long as they have not put you on their Block List. To send
a private message, select their name on the Online List in a chat room and click
the Private Chat button under the Profile tab. This will open a new Private
Message window. You should then be able to private chat will them if they are
still online.
Offline Messages
� Offline messages will be stored in a user's inbox
until they delete it. This means that you can send them an offline message even
when they are not logged in. The first way to send someone an online message is
to select their name on the Online list and click the Send Mail button. The
second way is to access the Message Center section of your User Control
Online List
� The online list is located to the
right of the main chat window. It displays the names of all the people who are
currently in chat with you. Below the online list is a section with two tabs,
one for Profile and one for Actions. Clicking on a username in the online list
will update the Profile and Action Tabs and allow you to use them on that
Profile Tab
� The profile tab displays some quick
information about the user and gives you several ways to contact them or read
more about them. After clicking on a username on the Online list, the profile
tab will display the words 'Updating ...' for several seconds while it loads
information from the database. Afterwards, the user's username, group and
current status will be displayed. �Below the mini-profile information
are three buttons. The first button, Full Profile, will open up a page that
contains the user's complete profile with all the information they have chosen
to make available. The next button is the Private Chat button which will open a
private chat window between you and that user. The third button is the Send Mail
button, this button allows you to send the user an offline
Action Tab
� The Actions Tab allows you do to
certain things to the user who's name is currently displayed in the profile tab.
Usually this is also the name that is selected in the online list. The options
that appear under this menu will change depending on what permissions you have
and what abilities the selected user has. You will always be given the option to
Ignore/Unignore a user. In addition, you might be given options to Op/Deop, View
Ip, Kick, Give/Take voice, and Mute/Unmute.
�There are many IRC Style
commands available in Chat. They are called IRC Style because they are used
in the same was as you would use a command in an IRC chat room. To use an IRC
command, you need to type a '/', followed by the command name, and then any
arguments (separated by spaces), into the chat box. After that, click Send to
run the command. A typical command will look like this: '/command_name
argument_1 argument_2'.
Quick Reference The commands are displayed along with their arguments,
arguments in brackets are option.
/admin username - Gives the user Administrator
Access /admincp - Gives you a link to the Admin Control Panel /away - Sets
your status to 'away' /back - Sets your status to 'Available' /ban
username reason - Removes a user from the chat rooms and
prevents them from returning /deadmin username - Takes away
a user's Administrator Access /deop username - Removes users
Operator power /devoice username - Prevents user from
sending messages to a moderated chat room /help - Gives you a link to this
documentation /ignore username - Blocks all messages from
this user /invisible - Makes you visible/invisible (switches your current
status) /invite username - Invites a user to the chat room
you are in /join room - Gives you a link to join a different
room /kick username reason - Removes a user from the chat
room /list - Displays a list of chat rooms /log action -
Allows you to stop, start, clear and view size info on the log /mdeop - Takes
Operator status from all Operators in the room /me action -
Makes you 'do' the action /mkick reason - Kicks everyone out
of the chat room /mode mode username - Changes the 'mode' of
a user /motd - Displays the news or message of the day /msg
username - Opens a private message window with the
user /mute username - Prevents the user from sending
messages to the chat room /names - Lists names of people in the chat room
with you /op username - Makes a user an Operator in the
current chat room /roll [number of dice] [sides on each dice]
[modifier] - Rolls dice and prints results to chat room /roomcp -
Gives you a link to the Room Control Panel /unignore username
- Allows you to receive messages from this user again /unban
username - This will allow a banned user to enter the chat room
again /unmute username - Allows the user to send messages to
a chat room again /userip username - Displays the IP address
of the user /version - Displays the current version /voice
username - Allows a user to send messages to a moderated chat
room /wallchan message - Sends a message to all chat
rooms /wallchop message - Sends your message to all room
About Operators
� An Operator is the person who
controls a chat room. They have the ability to ban, kick, mute, change settings
and do other tasks related to running the chat room. � The creator of a
room is automatically given Operator access, or someone who is already an
Operator in a room can give you Operator access to that room. You will be an
Operator only in the room where you are given Operator
� Users with proper permissions may
choose to go invisible. While invisible you will not show up in the room's
online list. If you have permission to go invisible you will be able to select
an option in the Settings section of your User CP that will make you
automatically invisible in all chat rooms. If this option is not selected, then
you will not appear invisible when you enter a chat room until you click the
Invisible button above the online list. You can click the same button a second
time to become visible. You may send messages while you are
� You may invite another user to the
chat room using the invite command. Syntax /invite
username username - Username of the person you want to