August 6th, 2007
Friends4ever Email started. Members can have email id like name@ friends4ever.info .tm
March 9th, 2007
Chat Room started and opened the members.
January 15, 2007
Friends4ever officially Launched on the web and opened for registration.
For complete News & history click here
About Friends4ever
What is Friends4ever and what
is our motto
behind it?
A group of friends indeed, somewhere on this world - we
have come up with this idea to open A COMMUNITY OF TRUSTED FRIENDS, where
you can share your happiness, sadness or ideas related to whatever,
preferably the rough turns of the odyssey of human life.
We are
inquisitive friends welcoming substantial forum-members, to get
philanthropic on the matter of providing solutions to even the toughest of
problems in any one's life (related to whatever - daily life-style,
relationships, health, finances, technical matters, education). You can
also share your views related to movies, sports, politics, current affairs
or anything else.
Our hand is always forwarded towards you
as we wish to offer you a warm handshake and welcome you to our
forum. What's more? HELP AND BE HELPED in this difficult�life. Let us take this step
together and form this friend's negotiation to incessantly contribute to
the wisp of friendship.
Who is the creator of
Friends4ever and when this site came into
�This site is Designed and Administrated by Subhash
Bose, Friends4ever was launched on the January 15th of
This was the result of the tireless effort and
hardworking of the administrator. We are also grateful to our
webspace�and domain provider for providing the facility�to host
the site. �You can also refer to help section or click here
to get more information�about site's history
and the administrator.
�We are also thankful to, � Abhrajit Khan and �
Sayantan Dutta. who
their valuable suggestions and ideas during the time of this site's
construction. |
Liabilities�and legal responsibilities of
�Friends4ever is a completely separate site, it has no collaboration or
attachment with any other site or organization. All the programming and
scripting� languages used here are free to use and the
site's content (during the time of launch) is in complete agreement with
the TOS of webspace and domain provider. Thus this site is 100% legal and
doesn't has any type of obligations with legal matters. �F4E is a community site, so we don't guarantee
about the materials posted or submitted by members. We administrator and
moderators try to check every posted materials, however it is not possible
to check every single thing. �Friends4ever or the
administrator�will have no liability for the contents posted by the
members and shall not be responsible for any illegal, abusive and
offensive matters in the site. If any such thing is reported then those
will be removed at the soonest and necessary steps would be
taken�against it, even membership may be cancelled of the
poster. �Every members registered to Friends4ever must
go through the Privacy Policy and
Terms & Conditions, and have to follow those.