"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known
until it be lost."
--- Charles Caleb Colton
�As much
easy it is, to make friendship, that much it is hard to preserve it. To hold on
that relation we need to be in contact with friends and to share our daily
thoughts and emotions.
�"Friends4ever" is a community of friends, built with the prime
intention to know our friends in a much better way and to fulfill the gaps
between us to achieve everlasting friendship. Here we share our thoughts, every little feelings and
stay in contact with our valued friends.
�Come! Lets join hands together
to share a beautiful relationship called friendship and build up A Community of Trusted Friends. This is the easiest way to
hold�our dearest friends in a closer�way to become FRIENDS
Forum Click on the icon to enter the community
forum. There you can post your messages and can also give
reply to other members posts. Here you can share your thoughts, feelings
and almost every thing with your friends.
Chat Click on the icon to enter the F4E Chat Room
Here you can chat with your friends in Friends4ever. You may enter chat
rooms�or can�have private chats with your friends.
Register If you are still not registered with Friends4ever then join
now. It's absolutely free of charge; registration is needed for Forum posting�and
Chat rooms. For registration some simple criteria is needed. Please
refer to registration help before going to register.
Friends4ever Email
You can have Email account like [email protected].
To Sign In click here.
To know more about F4E Email click here.
To get your Email account click here.
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