Liquors A-Z

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Liquors A-Z

Postby Mica on Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:10 pm

If u r a little bit Alcoholic !! , then it will entertain u.

For A Little Bit Alcoholic only!!!

There are names of liquors / producer names starting with ALL LETTERS of the Eng Alphabet

A ristrocrat
B agpiper
C ontessa
D irector's Spl
E ight PM
F un Drop
G od Father
H aywards 5000
I mperial Blue
J oney Walker
K ingfisher Strong
L ime Drop
M c Dowell's
N epolean
O ld Monk
P eter Scot
R oyal Stag
S eagram
T eacher's Scot
U ni Boul
V at 69
W hite Mischief
X XX-Rum
Y ankey
Z ingaro

How was that???
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